Thursday, April 29, 2010
Social Networking
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
logo weiner
Notes from the Speakers
- Sense of reality, re-designing emotional experience through community values, how it hangs on political principals.
- Still engages mainstream but ripples out to social media (imaginative, entertaining)
- Ask people why they like/dislike theater
- Negative qualities influence design
- Spacial Identity, virtual space, roaming theater
- Personality: intimacy, entertainment, how people of Denver differentiate space, social/society influences
- Website should be a performance to represent the qualities of theater: unique= people,challenge perceptions, take risks.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Refined Logos
After messing around a bit and trying to solidify the logo I'd been working with, this is what I came up with as an offshoot of my previous work. I thought my top left logo was the strongest, so now I'm providing some variation on that and trying to make the a more recognizable.
Here is my key reference for logo inspiration, I used, a Queensland Australia theatre company that has their branding fairly well defined.
Interview update
Ryans interview was just finished and is being uploaded as I type.
slogan posters
Summer Tree Promo
Saturday, April 24, 2010
marketing techniques-- useful
progress thus far
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
new logos
Additional Assignment for Tuesday
That being said, we need to take a bit more time to evaluate our logo design. This isn't throwing out the baby with the bath water, but it is taking the information received and crafting a logo that speaks of theatre better than what we have crafted.
We have learned a lot about logos in general, specifically the need for usability and sustainability across all platforms. The simplicity is crucial for our logo, but we need to evaluate the *effective* branding of other companies in the arts, most notably theatres, to combine some general communicative ideas.
You are to research 4-5 different, effective brands of theatres and/or companies involved in the arts, provide their logos as inspiration, and create 1-2 new logo designs, vector-based, ready and clean to be used as is.
Spend time on this, don't provide rudimentary ideas, and we will make a final decision first thing tuesday, on the best implementation of what we have. Call me or email me with any questions or concerns. I know this sucks, I know we have other things going on, but this is the foundation of our project and the success or failure of the brand and the needs of the client depend on the effectiveness of our logo.
Initial research suggests that perhaps a logotype, or at least a better blend of vector and typography may be one way to go, although the possibilities are truly endless. Good luck.
1. WTF is Applebox Theatre?
2. Applebox Theatre. Orange you coming to the show?
Serious -
1. Once upon a time there was Applebox Theatre. You attended a performance and lived happily ever after. The End.
2. Applebox: Everyday Theatre.
3. Good causes need great performances. Applebox Theatre.
Slogans, Wilder
2. Once Upon a time there was an AppleBox Theatre. You attended a performance and lived happily ever after. The End.
3. AppleBox Theatre. Caring for the less cared for.
4. AppleBox Theatre… Seriously.
5. AppleBox Theatre. Orange you coming to the show
Shot lists & Bio. script
How did Applebox originate?
What are your theatres objectives?
Who do you expect your average audience to be? How do you plan performance rotation?
For your respective causes how important do you feel the genre of the play is?
Both as a actor / actress and as a member of Applebox how do you market yourself to the audience and possible partnerships?
How would you value Appleboxes ability to serve as a meansx of raising social awareness for the various causes do these causes have any personal connection between you as a member / actor?
How many performances do you yourself as a performer or staff attend a year prior to Applebox forming?
What challenges as a theater have you had to overcome in your first performance, do you forsee similar problems arising?
What direction do you see Applebox going in the next 2 years, the next 5?
How important do you feel the community is both towards involvement with your theater and its influence to your success?
Jokes ???s -
If a train is leaving Alanta going 50mph at 1:00 pm and a train is leaving Jacksonville going 75mph at 3:00 pm, at what time should we have dinner?
How do you feel about leotards?
Shot List-
Union Station (Inside and out)
16th Street Mall (Califnoria and stout light rail) Historic Denver (Blake / Wazee / Wyknoop)
Coors Field
Convention Center
Southmore Lightrail station
City park
Landrys clock tower (if possible)
Laimers Writer Block
Public Transport
Cherry Creek - Creek path
If anyone has any requests or suggestions for changes to either or please let me know asap since I plan on filming Friday - Saturday and compliing the footage from sat - Sunday
Question 12
Applebox in comparison to other competing theater groups from a visual appearance stands out as something completely different from the heard. Most companies in the general area rely on darker and more dramatic overtones and with various degrees reinforce their actual status and placement as a “theater” the ideas of the performance and the actual ideas of entertainment seem distant in there respective brands. Applebox’s standards and theology flip these ideas of a staunch and stale theater for only a standardized (egotistical?) audiences, and instead appeal to both them through satire, as well as the non-traditional audiences through non-expected campaigns and messages. The key difference between the other theaters and Applebox and how it appeals to all audiences is that instead of taking the theater serious itself Applebox takes the need for entertainment as the importance not the theory itself.
From the design perspective Applebox, is represented with a much more humorous tone and approach to both itself and the theater craft itself; aesthetically the logo is predominate in both the reference towards the apple and the idea of a metaphoric “box” via the shape of the logo. Through a humorous approach Applebox still takes note of itself as a theater while moving past the same connotations that other theaters do by subversively mocking itself and the traditional / stereotypical audience to appeal to both the standard theatre audience as well as the non traditional audience who have less then positive opinions of the theater experience as a whole.
(I'll edit 13 in later)
Applebox: it's about the people, yo.
Lose 20 pounds* with Applebox Theatre! (actual weight loss may vary)
Applebox: now with 40% more reality!
Applebox: now with 40% more humanity!
Applebox battles monotony with intimacy.
WTF is Applebox Theatre?!
My 4 Solid Slogans
Have a bite. Applebox Theatre.
Good causes need Great performances. Applebox Theatre.
Performance that's banana's. Applebox Theatre.
Applebox Theatre will be using mediums such as a website, posters/flyers, stickers and motion pieces to engage the consumer in the Applebox experience.
The touchpoints will help Applebox Theatre communicate that it provides a unique experience by bringing and artistic voice to socially conscious issues.
The theatre's strategy with these touchpoints is to bring awareness to a wider demographic through humorous one liners such as "life is a performance" or "gay, straight, lesbian, thespian - we're all the same". It is these types of catchy one liners that will grab the attention of the public and instantly create a curiosity about Applebox Theatre.
The touchpoints are also being created to send a message to the public that Applebox Theatre isn't like every other theatre troupe in Denver. Applebox Theatre is bringing an awareness to a current social issue, but it certainly is not being shoved down the viewers throat like most social issues tend to be.
Applebox wants to change the way in which people perceive theatre.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
2) Applebox theater, we don't like Megan Fox either
3) Applebox theater a step above the dollar store
4) Above average entertainment for a below average price
5)professional theater for amateur audiences
6)professional audiences for amateur theater
7)Broadway theater / performance / acting / exposure / quality / without the valet
Filming tomarrow
Before we meet up tomorrow, I'm planning on just doing some random filming in the 16th street mall area and such. If anyone is interested in meeting up with me around 11:30 let me know.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Question Assignments for Thurs
Katy - Touchpoints #5
Key messages to communicate through the touchpoints and how they relate to the brand
Erin - #10 Client's mission and how its expressed and developed in the brand
#11 How does the brand identity standards and system and how are they effective in the multimedia environment
Trevor - #12 How do the stands and systems deliver a strong brand/recognition and context; how is the design used to do that
#13 Identity standards and system reinforce materials for brand association
Additionally, if ALL members could come up with a few solid slogans that cater to our funnier themes we've been playing around with, I think it may be helpful.
Thanks guys,
Let me know if you have any questions.
Theatre staff contact infomation
Brenton Davau
robert scott
Julianne Dumond
Group question notes ver.1
a. Encourages community engagement through theatrical performance
2. Specialty Statement
a. Applebox is a Colorado based theatre that provides unique experiences through theatrical performances; by partnering with organizations that address social issues.
3. DSI
a. Applebox = Socially engage (LAMESAUCE!?!)
4. How the brand is positioning itself
a. The brand itself fits a niche market directed towards socially conscious issues and address a spefiec need informs and calls to action
i. How does the design help this
1. Our design creates appeal to tarnished markets. Through its contemporary and clean style that promotes the theatre through stylistic movements.
5. Touchpoints
6. Brands demographics
a. The basic demographic will change according towards the performance at the time.
b. Summertree
i. Early 20s to mid to late 30s
7. Identity of Applebox
a. Energetic, dedicated, goal orientated progressive and supportive.
8. Personality
a. Empathetic towards the human condition
9. Key messages to communicate through the touchpoints and how they relate to the brand.
10. Clients mission and how its expressed and developed in the brand
11. How does the brand identity standards and system and how are they effective in the multimedia environment
12. How do the stands and systems deliver a strong brand / recognition and context; how is the design used to do that.