Thursday, April 29, 2010

Social Networking

So I spent class today going through theatre companies facebook and twitter accounts to try and gather what type of information they were posting and how they were linking their pages to outside web publications. Here is a list of things i found most interesting.

"Teaser" photo albums: staged photo shoots showcasing a performances actors, costumes, set design, hair/make-up, overall feel for the play.

Play reading updates and invitations: for both current performances and just well known plays and comedies.

Call for volunteers and support: asking community members for help with set design and construction, "street teams" to promote causes and performances, donations, tech support, lighting, music, backstage crew.

Acting classes: for children and adults working with troupe members, often includes a photo album.

Links to reviews of performances

links to venue's websites

pages and links with various awards and press.

Since applebox is new a lot of this content is not available, but all of this is really useful in the direction they can take their social media. Some small theatre companies even have upwards of 5,000 followers- so yes it is possible to get the word out via all social networking sites.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Research! Be sure to get a record of what you have for Sunday if you can. It'll be a great resource and back up for Sunday when we need to type out the questions.
